Re: Let go
Abhijit Veerji,
If we abide by even 2 - 3 facts from this article, it'll lead to mental peace to some extent.
Had a nice time reading !
----- Original Message -----
From: Abhijit Anand
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 3:08 PM
Subject: Let go

Let go

Let go of that nagging feeling that something could go wrong. For whatever may happen, you can always choose a way to move forward.

Let go of your resentment and anger over things that are beyond your control. Do the very best with where you are, with what you have, and that will be more than enough.

Let go of the pain you carry from things that happened long ago. Allow yourself to experience the glorious freedom of forgiveness.

Let go of the needs that you don't really need, that keep your life so anxious and complicated. Find real fulfillment not in getting, but in being.

Let go of the regrets, the disappointments and distress. Choose to follow the very best of the possibilities that beckon you forward.

Let go of all the excuses you have for not living fully. Give beauty and meaning to the life and the world that you're in right now.

-- Ralph Marston


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