If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love. Don't be surly at home, then go out in the street and start grinning "Good morning" at total strangers.
- Maya Angelou

Best Regards,

Thought For The Day (01/05/2006) ..Mithath Neeve Naanaka
The simal tree is huge and straight
But if one comes to it with hope of gain
What will one get and whither turn?
Its fruit is without taste
Its flowers have no fragrance
Its leaves are of no use.
0 Nanak, it is the lowly that have goodness and true worth.
He that bows before all,
Before him all will bow. 
Weigh anything in a pair of scales and see
That of greater substance does the lower go.
The wicked man bends over double
As a deer-slayer shooting his dart. 
What use is bending or bowing of head 
When you bow not your heart?

Asa Di Vaar


The Power Of Gurbani
A young child went to a Gursikh and stated that no matter how hard he tried to keep Gurbani in his heart, he just could not understand or keep it. He stated that his mind was not a bucket, but a strainer, which let everything pass through and did not contain the meaning of gurbani.

The Gursikh said "Let us try an experiment. Here is a strainer, and here is some water. Now pour a bucket of water through the strainer."

The child did this and said "See, the water was not contained, it just passed through, my mind is just like this". The Gursikh said. "Do it once more", so he did, and still the water passed through the strainer. The Gursikh said. "Do it ten times at least". The child did, and at the end of this experiment, he said " See, water still passes through, no matter how many times , and how many buckets we pass through it" . The Gursikh said "Look carefully at the strainer and see if there is any thing different." The child did, and his eyes were filled with tears, and he said. "Yes, i see the difference now. The grimy dirty strainer is now shiny and bright, like never before."

The Gursikh said "My son, this is what Gurbani does for you. It cleans your mind, and even if you do not realize it, it slowly cleanses your mind, and protects you from the five vices. The more you recite Gurbani, your mind will not only become shinier, but become like the bucket itself, which will not only become clean , but hold the meaning of Gurbani in your heart".

The child smiled, and felt he had received the best example of the power of Gurbani, ever.
Humbly, Abhijit
Man Jeetay, Jag Jeet !
Conquer your own mind, and you shall conquer the world.
SGGS 6:17(Japjee Sahib),
Read All the emails sent to this alias at the below mentioned Web Log

Fw: Definition of Khalsa.
Gur Fateh !
Below is a memo I recieved from the Akaalstudents yahoo group recently started and being maintained by Jatinder veerji. Check it out at .
Humbly yours,
P.S. Jatinder veerji...Am loving these memos. Many many thanks for letting me be a part of the group.
"Gursikhan Ki Har Dhoor De, Hum Paapi Bhi Gat Paaye"

Hum paapi bhi gat payen


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: jatinder.singh
Date: Apr 30, 2006 10:36 PM
Subject: [Akaalstudents] Definition of Khalsa.....


In one of his poems, Guru Gobind Singh Sahib defines the Khalsa :

"He who repeats night and day the name of Him,
Who has full love and confidence in God,
Who bestows not a thought on anv but one God,
Whose enduring light is inextinguishable,
Who puts no faith in fasting and worshipping cemeteries and monasteries,
Who only recognises the one God and makes no fetish, Of pilgrimages,
alms, charities and austerities:
He is recognised as a true member of the Khalsa, In whose heart the light of the Perfect One shines."

Jatinder Singh

Balvinder Singh.. Creating Magic!!
VahegurooJeeKaKhalsaa VahegurooJeeKeeFateh,
I stumbled upon these audio clips of compositions made by "Balvinder Singh from Australia" from his album "Reaching for home". Loved all three,.. especially the one titled "Naam".
Click on the link above to listen to the audio. I'd recommend using headsets... so that you can feel the effects and (for my buddies reading this in the Cisco TAC office) not to disturb the engineers sitting at the neighbouring cubicles :o).
Blessed Be !!

Remedy for all diseases! - From Baru Sahib

 Guru Fateh G,
 This is worthy reading G....
  • Trust reverses our disease :- an article by Dr. Amrit Vallabh

    The scriptures keep saying, "Life comes from the mind." But until a  foreigner comes along with empirical data, we can't believe it.
    Louis L.Hay, after in-depth study has documented mental causes and remedies for each and every disease.
    The fact is, while we avoid toxins through food or water we're oblivious to when we let dangerous poisons into our minds.
    Criticism, anger, resentment and guilt are some of the most dangerous negative patterns.
    For instance, criticism indulged in long enough will often lead to diseases such as arthritis. Long-held resentment festers and eats
    away at the self and can lead to tumors and cancer. Guilt always seeks punishment and leads to pain.

    The good news is that we can choose to take part in our own healing process. It does not matter how long we have had negative patterns,
    illness, a rotten relationship or money worries, we can begin to make a change today.

    The mental causes for some diseases are interesting:

    Disease                                       Mental Causes

    Lower back pain                         Fear of money shortage
    High blood pressure                     Longstanding emotional problem unsolved
    Headaches                                  Self-criticism, fear
    Heart problems                            long-standing emotional problems, lack of joy, stress and strain
    Knee problems                            Stubborn ego and pride, inability to adjust
    Neck problems                            refusing to see other sides of a question
    Thyroid                                        humiliation, "I never get to do what I want to do"
    Tumors                                        nursing old hurts and shocks
    Ulcer                                           fear that you are not good enough
    Diabetes                                      longing for what might have been, deep sorrow
    Fibroids, cysts                             nursing a hurt from a partner, a blow to feminine ego

    The best cure that can be prescribed for most of these diseases?

    It releases our toxins and heals us.
    The Kalgidhar Society
    Baru Sahib

Jatinder Singh
"Be inspired......"

Humility - The Point Of Equilibrium
Many people believe that humility is the opposite of pride, when, in fact, it is a point of equilibrium. The opposite of pride is actually a lack of self esteem.
A humble person is totally different from a person who cannot recognize and appreciate himself as part of this worlds marvels.
- Rabino Nilton Bonder 

Warm Regards,

A pauper to a prince
You do not have to be rich to be generous. If he has the spirit of true generosity, a pauper can give like a prince.

-Corrine U. Wells

Best Regards,

Thought For The Day (4/29/2006) ..Mujhse Bura Na Koye
Bura Jo Dekhan Main Chala, Bura Naa Milya Koye
Jo Munn Khoja Apnaa, To Mujhse Bura Naa Koye
-Bhagat Kabeer

I searched for the crooked in others, met not a single one
Upon searching my own self, "I" found the crooked one.

Abhijit Singh

Thought For The Day (4/28/2006).. Chalhu Gur chalee.

Bhai Harjinder Singh - Gursikh Meet Chalo Gur Chaali

gursikh meet chalhu gur chaalee.
jo gur kahai so-ee bhal maanhu har har kathaa niraalee.
SGGS Page 667

O Guru's sikhs and friends, walk ye in the Guru's way.
Whatever the Guru say, accept that as good; unique is the Lord God's discourse.

Humbly, Abhijit
Man Jeetay, Jag Jeet !
Conquer your own mind, and you shall conquer the world.
SGGS 6:17(Japjee Sahib),
Read All the emails sent to this alias at the below mentioned Web Log

Begin Again
To begin again means that you won't give up.
To begin again means you're trying.
You can either start over and live your life
Or spend the rest of your life slowly dying.

It is never the falling that makes us fail.
It is never the pain or the crying.
You can never fail in life, my friend,
Unless you give up trying.

--Bob Perks

Best Regards,

"The effects of kindness are not always seen immediately. Sometimes it takes years until your kindness will pay off. Sometimes you never see the fruits of your labors, but they are there, deep inside of the soul of the one you touched."
-Dan Kelly

Best Regards,

Thou art the Giver of all gifts, My Lord...
Beautiful Shabad !!..
Gurbar Akaaaaal !!!

sorath mehlaa 1.
Sorat'h, First Mehl:

too parabh daataa daan mat pooraa ham thaaray bhaykhaaree jee-o.
You, God, are the Giver of gifts, the Lord of perfect understanding; I am a mere beggar at Your Door.

mai ki-aa maaga-o kichh thir na rahaa-ee har deejai naam pi-aaree jee-o. 1
What should I beg for? Nothing remains permanent; O Lord, please, bless me with Your Beloved Name. 1

ghat ghat rav rahi-aa banvaaree.
In each and every heart, the Lord, the Lord of the forest, is permeating and pervading.

jal thal mahee-al gupto vartai gur sabdee daykh nihaaree jee-o. rahaa-o.
In the water, on the land, and in the sky, He is pervading but hidden; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, He is revealed. Pause

..please bless me with your naam..

Abhijit Singh

Polar Bears - life lesson

Wishing you

In your busy life ..

Time for Relaxation

Good Sleep

Good Health with Exercise

Someone to Dance With

.. a Bit of Adventure

Good Looks

But Most of All ...

I Wish You Lots of Bear Hugs

And The Comforts of Real Love

Many Blessings...

May you always have love to share,

health to spare, and friends that care.


Golden Rules....

The Three Golden Rules for sikhs...

In order of importance:

   1.      Kirat Karō: - Honest earnings, labor, etc. while remembering the Lord.
   2.     Nām Japō: - meditation and prayer on the Name of God in Sikhism, which is "Waheguru", it is also called the 'Gur-Manter'. Naam Japna is the repetition of this       name.
   3.    Vand Chakkna: - Share with others in need, free food (langar), donate 10% of income Dasvand, 10% of time in doing work to better humanity
God bless,

Doubt vs Faith
Doubt sees the obstacles
faith sees the way.
Doubt sees the darkest night
Faith sees the day.
Doubt dreads to take a step
Faith soars on high.
Doubt questions 'who believes?'
Faith answers, 'I.'

- Author Unknown


Today .. I wish you a day of ordinary miracles .
> A fresh pot of coffee you didn't make yourself
> An unexpected phone call from an old friend
> Green stoplights on your way to work
> The fastest line at the grocery store
> A good sing-along song on the radio
> Your keys right where you left them

They say it takes a minute to find a special person
An hour to appreciate them,
A day to love them,
But an entire life to forget them.


Thought For The Day (4/27/2006)
subh chintan gobind raman nirmal saaDhoo sang.
naanak naam na visra-o ik gha rhee kar kirpaa bhagvant.

O Lord, grant me these: purity of thought,
Will to worship, company of godly men,
And the power never to forget You for even a moment.

Guru Arjan, raag Asa

Respectfully, Abhijit
Man Jeetay, Jag Jeet ! 
Conquer your own mind, and you shall conquer the world.  
SGGS 6:17(Japjee Sahib),  
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The Rules For Being Human
The Rules For Being Human

When you were born, you didn't come with an owner's manual; these guidelines make life work better.
  1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it's the only thing you are sure to keep for the rest of your life.
  2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called "Life on Planet Earth". Every person or incident is the Universal Teacher.
  3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of experimentation. "Failures" are as much a part of the process as "success."
  4. A lesson is repeated until learned. It is presented to you in various forms until you learn it -- then you can go on to the next lesson.
  5. If you don't learn easy lessons, they get harder. External problems are a precise reflection of your internal state. When you clear inner obstructions, your outside world changes. Pain is how the universe gets your attention.
  6. You will know you've learned a lesson when your actions change. Wisdom is practice. A little of something is better than a lot of nothing.
  7. "There" is no better than "here". When your "there" becomes a "here" you will simply obtain another "there" that again looks better than "here."
  8. Others are only mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another unless it reflects something you love or hate in yourself.
  9. Your life is up to you. Life provides the canvas; you do the painting. Take charge of your life --or someone else will.
  10. You always get what you want. Your subconscious rightfully determines what energies, experiences, and people you attract -- therefore, the only foolproof way to know what you want is to see what you have. There are no victims, only students.
  11. There is no right or wrong, but there are consequences. Moralizing doesn't help. Judgments only hold the patterns in place. Just do your best.
  12. Your answers lie inside you. Children need guidance from others; as we mature, we trust our hearts, where the Laws of Spirit are written. You know more than you have heard or read or been told. All you need to do is to look, listen, and trust.
  13. You will forget all this.
  14. You can remember all this any time you wish.

Respectfully, Abhijit
Man Jeetay, Jag Jeet ! 
Conquer your own mind, and you shall conquer the world.  
SGGS 6:17(Japjee Sahib),  
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High standards
Set your standards high, and life will arrange itself to meet those standards. Go forward with the best of expectations, and those expectations will be reflected back to you in the world you experience.

When you compromise your most deeply held values, there's nothing you can gain that will be worth what you have given up. Stay true to who you are, and the progress you make will have real meaning.

Keep your standards high, and you won't be burdened with regrets. Choose the path that you know to be right, for yourself, for those around you, for your world, and even when the difficulties come you'll find the strength to keep going.

Hold yourself to the highest standards in every situation, with no resentment or self-pity for choosing to do so. For you are creating real value that cannot be taken away.

Keep your standards high, and when you see an opportunity to do so, raise them even higher. What were once peaks will soon become valleys, and what was once unimaginable will become real.

With the highest of standards, move confidently and lovingly through each day. Set a powerfully positive tone for your world, and it will be a beautiful place to live.

-- Ralph Marston

Best Regards,

Thought For The Day (4/26/2006) When he meets the teacher true...
Kabir mukt dvara sankra

Kabir, the door of salvation is strait
Narrower than the tenth of a mustard seed.
A man's ego is the size of an elephant
How can he pass through the gate?

If he meet a teacher true
And the teacher on him grace bestow
The gates of salvation will be opened wide
At his pleasure he can come and go.

Nanak: the door of salvation is strait
Only the little can enter.
Thoughts of self have inflated the ego
How can he pass through the gate?

When he meets the teacher true
The self goeth, within him doth the light shine.
Mortal life gains eternal peace
And he mingles with the light divine.

Raag Gujri

Respectfully, Abhijit
Man Jeetay, Jag Jeet ! 
Conquer your own mind, and you shall conquer the world.  
SGGS 6:17(Japjee Sahib),  
Read All the emails sent to this alias at the below mentioned Web Log   

Gods Will (Bhaana)



Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

The following is a good article translated from Jasbir Singh Khanne Wale's talk from Bombay Smaagam by Harjit Singh Lakhan;


When we were small we played games like hide and seek and others, if someone took our turn we would get angry and fight for our turn. Now we have got the chance to play the game of life in this human body. We have had so many turns at playing animals, now if we waste this turn of human life we will not get another chance easily. We will have to take the care of this turn. But this game of life can't be played on our own. So we need help, we need such help that ensures we will win the game of life.

When people play in teams they have a coach, great players have great coaches. So to play the game of life we need the Satguru to ensure we win.

This game of birth and death, of coming and going in bodies can only end if we take the shelter of the one who can free us from it. The Satguru is the one who can free us from the game of life. Guru jee says that if one takes the company of the saint's feet then one finds God's love sweet. How can God's love taste sweet? Guru jee says that God's will is sweet.

How can we find God's will sweet?

Lets think about it. Whenever we use the word 'bhaana' (God's will), we relate it to accepting painful things as being God's will. Someone dies and we say it was 'bhaana', or God's will. If something bad happens we say be calm it was 'bhaana' God's will. No matter what suffering or sorrow is experienced, we use the word 'bhaana' to explain it as being God's will.

But we never think that when a son is born in someone's house that it was also 'bhaana' God's will. We never say it was God's will, bhaana, when our child gets married. Does this mean that dukh, or pain, happens because of God's will, but sukh, or pleasure, happens due to someone else's will?

Does one God give us dukh but some other God gives us sukh? This is our mistake. This is why we haven't been able to accept God's will as sweet. Guru jee has said that there is no other gift like 'bhaana". If we believe only dukh happens according to bhaana, then we have not understood the meaning of the word.

Whatever is pleasing to my Guru, is my Satguru's bhaana, whatever is pleasing to God is God's bhaana. A Sikh doesn't do what the Guru finds pleasing, and then getting dukh he says it was the Guru's will. How can that be correct? My Guru finds getting up at amrit vela pleasing, but this Sikh snores through every amrit vela. My Guru finds living a selfless life pleasing, but this Sikh is selfish. My Guru finds the ones with the Guru pleasing, but their Sikh remains Guru less. So when this Sikh gets suffering how can he say this is what pleases Guru jee- this is Guru's bhaana?

My God finds being merciful pleasing, but this Sikh hates everyone. God finds speaking Truth pleasing, but this Sikh speaks lies. When this Sikh gets dukh he says this is God's will, this is what pleases God- this is God's bhaana! Guru jee says this person does what pleases them, but the real Sikh is the one who follows what is pleasing to the Guru.

The one that does what pleases themselves, i.e. follow their own bhaana, they cry and blame God when they get dukh. Yet when they are happy they fill with pride and say look what I did. When things go well they take the credit, when things go bad they blame God saying, "it was God's will, what can I do?"

Whenever this person did the opposite of what pleases God, then that person suffered dukh. The ones who lived according to God's will were saved from dukh. The ones who lived outside of what pleases God had suffering.

Beloved of Guru jee, think about this. God made grapes- a great thing. God put juice in the grapes- a great thing. God did a great thing and made grapes for us. We should have thanked God for making juicy grapes for us. It was pleasing for God to make grapes, it was pleasing to God to put juice within the grapes. But when you make wine out of the grapes, you made it, not God. You made it. If God wanted to make wine God would have made alcoholic juice in the grapes. It pleased God to make sweet smelling juicy grapes, if
the grapes were turned into foul smelling alcohol then you did it not God. Now God make sweet things and you make sweet things sour, and then you blame God for the sourness of your life, the suffering- how can that be true? God's will can be sweet if you get rid of selfishness and accept God's will (Hukam). What is the meaning of Hukam? It has only one meaning, when the one who has the power to give orders, gives an order. That is a hukam. When the order is enacted it is called bhaana. When someone accepts the bhaana - accepts what happened that is called the Gurmukh, the Guru's Sikh.

Once a man fell into a well. It was dark, he grabbed a rope and started climbing up. A bird was flying overhead with Indian sweets in it's mouth, these fell into the man's open mouth. The man stopped climbing and started eating. He thought I can climb later first I will enjoy the Indian sweets. But he didn't realise that a black and white mouse was were gnawing at the rope that was tied to the tree. He got absorbed in eating, in the sweetness. The rope snapped and he fell back into the well.

Guru jee says death is the mouse gnawing away at time. The time that has gone will never come back, this morning will never come back. We are stuck in the well of the world and the rope of time is being cut at every moment. While you are alive take care of your life. Guru jee says that the life of those is successful who followed the Satguru.

Whose life is successful? The ones who repeated God's name in the Sadh Sangat.

Do ardas "God I am stuck in the well. Every time I try to get out the five enemies throw me back in. I can't get out, O Guru jee bless me with the shabad and get me out."
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

 Respectfully, Abhijit
Man Jeetay, Jag Jeet ! 
Conquer your own mind, and you shall conquer the world.  
SGGS 6:17(Japjee Sahib),  
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Thought For The Day (4/25/2006) ..ONE, as stated
 It is His Supreme Will that prevails over all us fated.
It is from Him that we all are created.
The paths may be many or more than many
But the Master remains One, only One, as stated.

Gauri 1, p. 223. SGGS


 Respectfully, Abhijit
Man Jeetay, Jag Jeet ! 
Conquer your own mind, and you shall conquer the world.  
SGGS 6:17(Japjee Sahib),  
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Blog overhauled :o))
Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Kee Fateh !
Just finished giving the blog an overhaul. I've given it a new template from Sukhmani Kaur jee's blog (, and added some special touches like the ekstream player ( ) on the sidebar. Other addons include...the Sikhnet news scroller, a Hit counter to track the number of visitors to the blog, a Google search bar that searches within the site, a "blogarithm button" that allows visitors to track changes to the blog, an RSS link for syndication.. and other stuff !!!
Pls do suggest if you have any ideas to improve it further.
Do check it out when u get a chance.
Abhijit Singh
P.S ...The Ek Stream player doesn't load on MS IE and the Avant browser; I'm trying to understand what cud be the problem. It works like a charm on the Firefox though.

Thought For The Day (4/24/2006).. The Word, The Virtue, the Magic Mantra

"What is that word, what is that virtue, and what is that magic mantra?
What are those clothes, which I can wear to captivate my Husband Lord?
Humility is the word, forgiveness is the virtue, and sweet speech is the magic mantra.
Wear these three robes, O Sister, and you will captivate your Husband Lord."
(SGGS, 1384)
Respectfully, Abhijit
Man Jeetay, Jag Jeet ! 
Conquer your own mind, and you shall conquer the world.  
SGGS 6:17(Japjee Sahib),  
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My Cup Has Overflowed

I've never made a fortune, and it's probably too late now.
But I don't worry about that much, I'm happy anyhow.
And as I go along life's way,
I'm reaping better than I sowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.
Haven't got a lot of riches,
and sometimes the going's tough.
But I've got loving ones all around me,
and that makes me rich enough.
I thank God for his blessings,
and the mercies He's bestowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

I remember times when things went wrong,
My faith wore somewhat thin.
But all at once the dark clouds broke,
and the sun peeped through again..
So Lord, help me not to gripe,
about the tough rows I have hoed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

If God gives me strength and courage,
When the way grows steep and rough.
I'll not ask for other blessings,
I'm already blessed enough.
And may I never be too busy,
to help others bear their loads.
Then I'll keep drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

When I think of how many people
in this world have it worse than I do.
I realize just how blessed most of us really are.

Respectfully, Abhijit
Man Jeetay, Jag Jeet ! 
Conquer your own mind, and you shall conquer the world.  
SGGS 6:17(Japjee Sahib),  
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Thought For The Day (4/22/2006) ..He comes as gently as comes sleep
maa-i-aa kis no aakhee-ai ki-aa maa-i-aa karam kamaa-ay.
Panaa 67 of SGGS Maharaaj

Without the Word, you will find no rest.
It is the Word alone that conquers self
And destroys illusion.
The pious receive the gift of the Name
By gentle ways and good conduct.

Without the Guru, one cannot tell
The good from the bad.
Without goodness, prayer has no meaning.

If God is in the heart
He can be met face to face.
He comes as gently as comes sleep.

O Nanak, raise your voice in praise of the Guru
By His grace you shall attain salvation

Guru Amar Das, Sri Raag

Respectfully, Abhijit

Man Jeetay, Jag Jeet ! 

Conquer your own mind, and you shall conquer the world.  

SGGS 6:17(Japjee Sahib),  


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I ran into a stranger as he passed by,
"Oh excuse me please" was my reply.

He said, "Please excuse me too;
I wasn't watching for you."

We were very polite, this stranger and I.
We went on our way and we said goodbye.

But at home a different story is told,
How we treat our loved ones, young and old.

Later that day, cooking the evening meal,
My son stood beside me very still.

When I turned, I nearly knocked him down.
"Move out of the way," I said with a frown.

He walked away, his little heart broken.
I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.

While I lay awake in bed,
God's still small voice came to me and said,

"While dealing with a stranger,
common courtesy you use,
but the family you love, you seem to abuse.

Go and look on the kitchen floor,
You'll find some flowers there by the door.

Those are the flowers he brought for you.
He picked them himself: pink, yellow and blue.

He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise,
you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes."

By this time, I felt very small,
And now my tears began to fall.

I quietly went and knelt by his bed;
"Wake up, little one, wake up," I said.

"Are these the flowers you picked for me?"
He smiled, "I found 'em, out by the tree.

I picked 'em because they're pretty like you.
I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue."

I said, "Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today;
I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."
He said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay.
I love you anyway."

I said, "Son, I love you too,
and I do like the flowers, especially the blue."

Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company
that we are working for could easily replace us in
a matter of days.
But the family we left behind will feel the loss
for the rest of their lives.

And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more
into work than into our own family,
an unwise investment indeed,
don't you think?
So what is behind the story?

Do you know what the word FAMILY means?

Respectfully, Abhijit

Man Jeetay, Jag Jeet ! 

Conquer your own mind, and you shall conquer the world.  

SGGS 6:17(Japjee Sahib),  


Read All the emails sent to this alias at the below mentioned Web Log  


Sufi Poem - Only God I saw
Baba Kuhi of Shiraz
Only God I Saw
In the market, in the cloister – only God I saw.
In the valley and on the mountain – only God I saw.

Him I have seen beside me oft in tribulation;
In favor and in fortune – only God I saw.

In prayer and fasting, in praise and contemplation,
In the religion of the Prophet – only God I saw.

Neither soul nor body, accident nor substance,
Qualities nor causes – only God I saw.

I opened mine eyes and by the light of his face around me
In all the eye discovered – only God I saw.

Like a candle I was melting in his fire:
Amidst the flames out flashing – only God I saw.

Myself with mine own eyes I saw most clearly,
But when I looked with God's eyes – only God I saw.

I passed away into nothingness, I vanished,
And lo, I was the All-living – only God I saw.

From a Persian ode by the eleventh-century Sufi mystic Baba Kuhi of Shiraz. The translation is from Reynold A. Nicholson, The Mystics of Islam (London: Arkana, 1989),


Appeal - Gurudwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Goa India
Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Jee Kee Fateh !!

Respected Sangat jio.. would request you to please find time to visit the link below and to forward it to the sikhs you know.

Abhijit Singh

Forwarding an appeal

Fateh Jee,
Had accompanied family to a vacation in Goa where I celebrated my 24th birthday (would be uploading the pictures of our 7 day trip at my travelogue ( ).
Prior to the trip, Keeping in mind the fact that we would be travelling on the 14th of April, I had tried searching for Gurudwaras in Goa on Sikh portals like and others, but unfortunately couldn't find any.
After asking many individuals in Goa, was informed about one "Sikh Temple" at a place called Betim located in a taluka towards the northern side of Goa.

On visiting the Gurudwara Sahib, found it to be in a dilapidated condition. The takht was empty and Guru Maharaj was hosted in small room towards the left corner of the hall. The granthi jee there told us that there are around 80 sikh families settled in Goa (almost all of them in the Betim district).

The image above is a 'printscreen' of a small video I took from my digicam. The text is as under:

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.


The management committee of the Gurudwara hereby kindly request our most respect sadh sangat to donate / contribute in cash or kind towards very urgently needed kar seva of Gurudwara Sahib and accomodation for visitors. Please forward your most ernest remittance to our bank account as follows:

Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Betim
ICICI bank
Mapusa branch,
Bardez, North Goa
Acct Number: 003001007864

Here's the telephone number of the Gurudwara Sahib: 91 - 832 - 2413913.

The Gurudwara Sahib is not funded by the SGPC and is totally managed and maintained by the maya bhenta of the sangat. The bhai sahib jee there requested me to forward their appeal to the Internet community.
Here's hoping that this Guru ka ghar flourishes and provides spiritual inspiration to all those who seek to drink the sweet nectar of Naam. Rest upto Akaal purakh Maharaaj.

Bhul Chuk maaf..

RE: Another BDAY
Hello Moneek,
Many happy returns of the day...........
God bless
-----Original Message-----
From: Swarandeep []
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:14 PM
Subject: Another BDAY

Let's get together to congratulate Moneek on his Sweeeeet 16th b'day... :)
Many happy returns of the day..
God Bless..

Re: Happy B'day !!
Hi Moneek,
Many Happy returns of the day ... May god bless u and give you all the strength to handle this beautiful life.
Tak good care of urslf
Good luck & God bless

WaheguruG ka Khalsa,WaheguruG kee fateh!!!
Many Hapy returns of the day Abhi ... May god bless u and give u the curag to handle all ups and dwns in life.
Abhi tried your phone many time but as ur in GOA and enjoying the life ther therefore ur phone is going unreachable.
Nways God bless ...
Keep in touch
Tk care

HI Abhjeet and Moneek,
Apologies for delay, I got to know late.
Belated happy birthday..may god bless you with all you guys desire.
(Switching team)

Thought of the Day!!

(An unparalleled act of Bravery)

September 12,1997 is the 100th anniversary of the Battle of

Saragarhi- one of the "ten most famous battles " of the world. On this day, exactly 100 years ago, a handful of Sikh soldiers- 21 to be exact - of the 4th Battalion of the Sikh Regiment (then XXXVI Sikh) formed part of the British Indian Army and fought thousands of Pathans in the North Western Frontier Province (now Pakistan). All 21 Sikh soldiers died in the battle as they fought to the last man and last bullet; but they did not yield even an inch of ground that they were defending.

This epic battle is worth recounting as a singular example of unmatched courage, absolute devotion to duty, unflinching loyalty and giving supreme sacrifice of life for a cause.

In the later half of 19thcentury,boundaries of the British Indian Empire extended right up to the borders of Afghanistan, through the rugged and hostile terrain of Baluchistan and the North West Frontier Province inhabited by fierce Pathan and Afridi tribal warriors who refused to acknowledge the British supremacy and often attacked and raided anything British.

In order to protect these long lines of communications passing through the Kurram valley, the Samana range had been occupied by the British troops for almost five years. When the Afridis and Orakzai clans rose against the Government of India in 1897, the 4th Battalion of the Sikh regiment (XXXVI SIKH) was holding the forts and the fortified piquets on the Samana ridge which has the Khanki Valley on the North and the Miranzai Valley on the South.

The main position occupied by the 4 SIKH on the crest of the Samana Ridge were the two fortified posts known as Fort Lockart ( Mastan ) at Saragarhi ( approximately 3 km from each of the main posts) , Dhar, Sartap, Crag and Sangar. These had been built to accommodate a garrison of 25 to 50 men in each.

The nearest garrison from where reinforcements could come in case of outbreak of hostilities was at Kohat, a good 60 km away. Saragarhi was considered the most important of these minor forts, because through it signaling communications was maintained between Forts Lockhart and Gulistan along the Samana ridge.

Between 27 August and 8 September 1897, a large force of Orakzai tribe attacked Fort Gulistan held by 4 SIKH. Fort Gulistan was strongly held and offered a stubborn resistance and by 10 September, the Orakzais were driven back into the Khanki Valley. But, soon after, the Afridi Lashkar, 10,000 strong, along with Orakzais attacked the posts on Samana ridge. Four attacks were repulsed by the defenders with heavy casualties inflicted on the hostile tribesmen.

Utterly humiliated and frustrated by the reverses against Forts Gulistan and Lockhart, the tribesmen decided to change their objective of attack. The combined might of Orakzais and Afridis was thus hurled against Sarangarhi in early hours of 12 September 1897. Almost 20,000 tribesmen surrounded the post and cut it from other localities. No reinforcements and replenishment of ammunition could reach the detachment, which was under siege by the ever-swelling hordes of tribesmen.

The first onslaught of tribesmen yelling and firing came early on the morning of 12 September only to be repulsed by the small band of brave Sikhs. This was followed by a pitched battle of six long hours. At last, there was a lull in the gruesome battle. But it lasted only a short while. It gave the defenders time to reorganise and replenish ammunition from their depleted reserves. The attackers managed to create a smoke screen on one flank of the post by burning dry bushes. Covered from observation and fire of the defenders, two of the enemy managed to get close to the perimeter wall of the post and start hammering a breach through the stone wall.

Through the breach in stone wall, the tribesmen, swarmed into the fort. Saragarhi defenders fought with fixed bayonets and rapid fire against the multitudes that poured through the breach and Signaler Gurmukh Singh continued to give a graphic picture of the battle to the Commanding Officer using his holiograph. But the ferocity of close quarter battle took its toll.

At about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, there were only two survivors - a wounded soldier in the guard room and the Signaler. The Signaler put away his apparatus and took up his rifle. His last message to the Commanding Officer at Lockurt was " I will be engaging the enemy now onwards with my rifle and will not be relaying any more messages". He killed a dozen tribesmen before he fell himself. The wounded soldier in the guard room who was solely in command of the post now secured the guard room from inside and used his rifle till he was burnt to death. His foes later admitted that he accounted for 21 of them before his end came.

The captors, after succeeded in overpowering the post, were so shaken by the sight of the brave soldiers' now lifeless bodies on the ramparts of the Saragarhi Fort that in order to obliterate the scene of their moral defeat, they set the place on fire.

On learning of this glorious, gallant and unparalleled action, members of both houses of the British Parliament rose in unison to pay homage to the great Indian soldiers. Each one of the 21 soldiers was posthumously awarded the Indian Order of Merit, the highest British gallantry award then given to Indian (equivalent to the Victoria Cross awarded to the British).

The story of this epic battle is taught to school children in France and is one of the eight stories of collective bravery published by UNESCO. No military history book, when portraying, the bravery and sense of sacrifice of the Indian soldier is complete without special reference to the defenders and the martyrs of Saragarhi.

NB. I wonder how the French can teach this story in their schools and yet BAN the Sikh Dastaar - TURBAN !!! Talk about ungrateful behaviour.Many thousands of Sikh soldiers WITH TURBANS fought for and DIED for FRANCE..and its Style of Govt...BUT now a FEW Sikh children with TURBANS are a "danger to french security " and "french Secularism in Govt" ?? sad commentary... How the world changes.

Jarnail Singh

`Those who have realized the Truth
Are kings among men, indeed.
These earthly kings are no kings
To love anything except God causes pain
Why exalt and glorify what is created
It is but
eeting and evanescent
One alone lives for ever and ever
The God-centred being who realizes this Truth
He is like God, ever-living and deathless.'

                                Guru Amardas - Maru.

At this, the voice within grew faint and I was happy that I had silenced it
for good. But, again, the voice was audible with four-fold intensity \Realize
God; not in vain hast thy Guru said,
\Naught save God's worship will avail thee"
                                Guru Arjan - Asa.

This life of thine is being wasted,
Thou hast fallen in love with the
eeting phenomena of the world."
                                Guru Arjan - Asa.

Naught but God's worship will avail thee; The rest is naught."
                                Guru Arjan - Gauri Sukhmani.

The world which fascinates and enthralls thee,
looks so to thee on account of
thine own angle of vision;
He who is happy nds
The whole world in radiant joy;
To the diseased mind all are ailing."
                                Guru Arjan - Sorath.

The voice further repeated:
An object grows pretty, if you think it so. (There is nothing either good
or bad but the thought that makes it so). You might think a certain river
enchanting, but how does the mother view it-whose only son, with the newly
wedded wife and the marriage party has been drowned in it? To her, that
river, with its uncertain currents and blind wells, is a treacherous serpent.
Rivers, when in spate, wash away hundreds of villages, destroying thousands
of lives. You describe the hills and mountains as fascinating, but ask those
whose dear ones were buried under debris in the Kangra earthquake. To
them, these very hills and mountains are deathtraps! We nd the stars radiant
and lustrous, but ask someone su ering the pangs of separation the
glimmering stars seem to mock them. The world is neither charming nor
repelling, but as you view it-It is your individual angle of vision that makes
all the di erence."
                        The inner voice continued:

Re: Happy B'day !!
Wishing both of you the best life can offer. God Bless!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Harshdeep Singh Lamba
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:28 AM
Subject: Happy B'day !!

Hi Abhijeet and Moneek
Many Happy Returns of The Day to both of you !!

Happy B'day !!
Hi Abhijeet and Moneek
Many Happy Returns of The Day to both of you !!

Another BDAY
Let's get together to congratulate Moneek on his Sweeeeet 16th b'day... :)
Many happy returns of the day..
God Bless..

Abhi Paaji,
Happy birthday.....
Best wishes bro !!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Bhupender Pal singh
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 1:35 AM
Subject: BDAY

Sat Sri Akal,

It was Abhijit's bday on the 19th.......



Dear Abhi brother

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji di fateh.

May you shine like a star, those thoughts God's and acts of yours may flourish and you may show the path of truth and reality to forgetful and thankless people like us. May your name reach sky high and respect would come in all shapes.

May you get.

Sikhi Dan
Kesh Dan
Rehat Dan
Vivek Dan
Visah Dan
Bharosa Dan
Dana sir dan Naam dan
Amritsar ji de darshan isnan
Shri Nankana Sahib te hor gurudwaryan gurthawaan jihna nu panth to vichorya gaya hai, ohna de khule darshan didar te swea sambhal da daan khalsa panth nu baksho.

Hai nimanya de man, nithanyaan de taan, neotyaan di oot, Sache Pita waheguru. Aap de hazoor age hath jor ke benti hai ki Abhijit Singh da jeevan safal karna, apne charni lana. Akhar wada khata  Bhul chuk maaf karna

Bole So ne haal, Saat Shri Akal.

Vadiyan !!!!!!!!!!
Abhijit VeerJi,
Many Many Happy Returns of the Day.
God Bless You .....
Bhupinder Pal Singh

See the rest of my blog in the archives.

March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006